Vocalis_e clip
Featuring newEar.
Initial inspiration for this piece was drawn from the observation of a toddler learning to speak, where sound, specifically imitation, occurs before meaning is attached to translation.
Timbre is the most important aspect in Vocalis_e. The ensemble is broken down into three primary timbres that are referred to as: “breath,” “bow” and “bang.” These timbres are intended to amorphously mimic the vowel sounds produced by the vocalist. In-between the three primary timbres, there are more vacillating colors, including a transition from “breath” to “bow,” a transition from “bow” to “bang,” and finally, the strangest blend, from “bang” back to “breath.”
The title, Vocalis e is based on both the structure and inspiration for the piece. Vocalis is the Latin word for “uttering voice.” The lone “e” should be pronounced as the vowel sound [i], such as in the word be (English) or oui (French).
Duration: 7 minutes