
2024-2025 Upcoming projects include:

The Devils’ Dream, chamber opera in one act (in progress), libretto by Ann McCutchan based on the novel by Lee Smith (coming spring 2026).  Program link for February 2024 workshop here.  

Wayward Flicker for loadbang (2024).

Apparitions, a new guitar concerto for D.J. Sparr inspired by Lourdes, France (coming 2025).

Unseen World, music inspired by Art and Nature: 3rd portrait album by Mara Gibson featuring new works since 2021, including Escher Keys (bassoon concerto), Swansongs (cello and piano), Rhythmic Mosacis (pierrot ensemble), Fight|||Flight (brass quintet), Snowball (trumpet duet) and Pranayama (flute and clarinet).  Pre-release available here!  Full CD available summer 2024.

2021-23 Recent large scale projects:

Galatea’s Dream, (2023) a staged song cycle for film.  Galatea is a mythical, carved ivory statue that comes to life. She represents an object of desire who transforms into a practical survivor. In the myth, King Pygmalion sculpted and fell in love with the statue he had crafted. In answer to his prayers, the goddess Aphrodite brought it to life and united the couple in marriage. Through love, motherhood and loss, the dream eventually crumbles, but she survives. Galatea’s Dream is a staged song cycle with background imagery that reflects the struggle between maturation and femininity. The music is derived from three different songs by Gibson for mezzo and instrumentalist: One Voice (2016), White Ash (2019) and The Clockmaker’s Doll (2020). 

Several new commissions (2021-23) including Rhythmic Mosaics, Fight||Flight, Swansongs and Interlude Influenza.

Escher Keys (ATLAS grant) press release (2021)

General Info about Escher Keys

I. Escher Keys: Ascending and Descending

II. Escher Keys: Three Worlds

III. Day and Night to Waterfall