Mirror, Mirror (2019)

A setting of Lynne Knight’s “While Plum Blossoms Sweep Down Like Snow.” Exploring the palindromic form, Sandra Moon and Ana Maria Otamendi premiere Mirror, Mirror.

While Plum Blossoms Sweep Down like Snow

What you found was not what you sought.

What you loved was not what you thought.

White plum blossoms sweep down like snow

when it rains; the seasons don’t know

the names we use. I loved you then,

he said, meaning never again.

Plead with him all you want: he’s through.

Your turn to decide what to do.

Your turn to decide. What to do—

plead with him all you want; he’s through,

he said. Meaning, never again.

The names we used! I loved you then

when it rained. The seasons don’t know

white plum blossoms sweep down like snow.

What you loved was not what you thought.

What you found was not what you sought.