I started teaching Creative Collaboration:Ideas and Strategies in 2009 as a curricular off-shot of ArtSounds, a series I started in 2006. Each year, the class has developed uniquely joining artists of differing disciplines. Every year has had its distinct combination of personalities, artistry and collaboration. Check out the class and what we have created so far!
Traditionally, western music is a collaborative art that has divided the act of performance from the action of creativity and invention. Unsurprisingly, when you multiply the factors to include new genres in collaboration, roles shift and expand often bleeding into unconventional cross-overs. The complexity and definition of these factors becomes all the more important given these new developments. This class historically and practically investigates collaboration since the turn of the century culminating with an original, informed and communicative class collaboration at La Equina as part of ArtSounds.
2014: poster
2013: poster and video preview
2012: poster and video preview
2011: poster
2010: poster
2009: poster
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